Phoenix Day Nursery

Our Ofsted rating is Good.
We had our last inspection on the 15/02/2019.
Effectiveness of leadership and management is good
Safeguarding is effective. The managers ensure all staff are knowledgeable of their role in protecting children's welfare. Staff know the children well and have a good understanding of the procedures to follow should they have any concerns. The managers have implemented an effective programme of professional development. For instance, regular meetings and monitoring help them recognise ways to motivate and support staff in order to increase their confidence and enhance their roles. Training opportunities help staff to implement positive changes into practice. For example, staff use knowledge and ideas gained from training to help them review the environment. They implement changes, such as providing more natural resources. This helps to further enhance children's understanding of the world and imaginative play. The managers welcome the views of parents and children to help evaluate the nursery and make changes to enhance the provision further.
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment is good
Staff are good teachers. They are skilled at recognising how and when to tailor their interactions to support children's learning needs. For example, staff introduce counting and numbers into young children's play with foam bricks. Children show an emerging understanding as they start to independently count the bricks and use their developing physical skills to stack them. Staff use well-considered questions to encourage older children to use their good language skills and talk about objects they are exploring. Children take time to look at objects from a 'special box', such as a glass cup. As staff hold the glass up to the light, children start to use descriptive words such as 'diamond'
and 'shiny' to describe how this looks. Children comment that they 'learn a lot' at the nursery.
Personal development, behaviour and welfare are good
Staff maintain a safe, welcoming and stimulating environment. Children freely explore the resources available and enjoy being able to develop their own ideas and interests in their play. Staff are aware of the importance of outdoor experiences and arrange regular trips, such as outings to the local garden centre to buy soil and flowers for planting activities. This helps to support children's curiosity and social skills. Children behave well and consistently use simple manners, such as saying 'thank you' without being reminded. Mealtimes are social occasions and staff talk to children about the food they are eating. Children show a strong understanding of healthy food and where it comes from. For instance, they talk about how carrots have to be 'picked from the ground'.
Outcomes for children are good
Children are keen learners who practise the skills they need to support their future learning. They show pride in their achievements and develop lifelong skills, such as managing aspects of their self-care. Babies show an emerging grip and coordination as they use metal spoons to bang on other metal resources to make sounds. Older children use these well-developed skills as they confidently use cutlery to feed themselves at mealtimes.